
Contact person

Studio location

  • Na Vrátkach 1/B – 3, 84101 Bratislava

Billing address

  • SO.SLOW, sro
  • Na Vrátkach 15, 84101 Bratislava
  • ID: 53 089 812
  • VAT number: 2121275145
  • The company is registered in the District Court of BA 1st section: SRO, registration number 121285/B  

Bank connection

  • Slovenská sporiteľna, a.s.
  • IBAN: SK98 0900 0000 0051 7464 5987

Become a wholesaler

Join us

SO.SLOW was founded in Slovakia with the ambition to offer customers products that bring pleasure, but not at the expense of the health of the users or the environment. Our goal is to get our products as close to the people as possible, so that they are accessible to everyone.

If you are interested in our products and would like to offer them to your customers, or if you have any questions, do not hesitate to write to us!

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